Golden Visa program – Real Property Owners

Third country nationals who own real property in Greece, worth at least 250,000.00€, or who acquire real property in Greece of the said value, and pay the consideration in full at the time of acquisition thereof, may be awarded a five year residence permit, which does not establish a right of access to any form of employment. Such permit is subject to renewal for equal time periods each time and the same permit may be extended to the family members of the real property owner, namely to the spouse/partner, to the unmarried children younger than 21 years old of the real property owner or of the other spouse/partner, to the parents and the in laws.

The law treats equally the cases where agreements for an at least 10year lease of hotel accommodation or furnished tourist residences in tourist accommodation complexes or time sharing agreements have been concluded in accordance with the respective law provisions. The contractual consideration is likewise determined at 250,000.00€ and must have been paid in full upon the signing of the contract.

Kindly contact our office and our specialized partners for individual advice as to the exact requirements of the law and the relevant procedure.